I led development on a full-stack app for >1000 high schoolers to schedule meetings with their counselors. In the app, counselors can add available “dropin” slots on their calendar, and the students assigned to them have the ability to sign up and attach files and a description. Counselors can then manage their slots, including viewing, rescheduling, and canceling them. I worked with various web technologies (listed below), as well as email and scheduler APIs for sending notifications and a CI/CD pipeline using Gitlab/Kubernetes. In the process of developing the project, I interfaced with school administrators, implementing new requested features and deploying/debugging in production
Technologies: Typescript, NodeJS, MongoDB, Koa, Vue, Handlebars, Kubernetes
Date: March 2021 - January 2022
Collaborators: Bennett Liu, John Lynch, Akshay Manglik​​​​​​​​​​​​​​